Dr. Vaishali Agarwal
Nobody knows, what becomes the turning point in your life? This story unfolds the life of a young girl Nonika who hails from Bareilly and is now settled in Ludhiana who has carved a niche for herself. Born and brought up in Bareilly she did her early education from GRM School and pursued her graduation from Lady Shriram College, Delhi. Coming back to the town in an uncertain state of what next, she scribbled on paper some patterns from a simple ball point pen, never knowing that it would become her brand, one day.
Sharing about the days Nonika in a candid chit chat with The India Rise correspondent says, “Passing my free time with my creative instincts was loudly and largely applauded by my family and visiting guests. I started wrapping gifts with my hand designed wrapping sheets for friends and family relatives. Their appreciations boosted up my confidence and I started putting up exhibitions of homemade stuff. The first exhibition titled the creations AAKAR was held at Bareilly Club of all my creative stuff including décor for the big festival of lights Diwali in the year 2012. Sharing her fears she tells,” I was only 19 when I actually put my first exhibition in Bareilly. At that point in time there were no people doing something like this also it was an extremely new idea. So most people around me thought it was really stupid to be doing something like this and that I was too young and clearly this involves a lot of experience. Second challenge was making quantities. It was an open exhibition not just by invite. This got me all worried. There was a point where I almost gave up on the idea of the exhibition. I really don’t know what got me moving probably it was that I was too young and I didn’t think so hard then. However at the exhibition ground, the tables turned and to everyone’s surprise it was we were sold out in like 5 hours. That is the day I learnt it’s best to follow your heart not what people say. Yes I was too young and had no experience but the passion to create new products kept me going.”
Her mother Jaimala was happy to see the huge response of the first exhibition. She says, “It was all about my bud getting independent and making her way to professional world. My husband was a silent admirer and supporter.”
Nonika got married in the year 2015 with a new challenge standing on her start up front.
In her words, “yes the second challenge was definitely getting married and coming to a new town as I was basically not dealing online. So most of my sales was personal. I realized It’s gonna be tough and I took like a 10 months lag and thought whether this is really what I want to do. The more I thought the more I realized this is IT for me. My father in law has been In the paper business for good 30 years maybe more. So they helped me out to find printers, source the paper etc. Adding she reveals, “I have been fortunate to be blessed with such supporting in laws. Gautam my husband recognized and helped me set up the electronic version of my hand painted designs. Her work is well known and acknowledged in cities near and far.
Recently we finally launched our brand on amazon and etsy, it’s a huge thing for a small scale business. I think of bigger and better things, but when i look back there’s one thing for sure “I’M GLAD I STAYED ON”. The business is actually seasonal but still the starting returns of a mere twenty thousand have now hiked up my gains of around sixty thousand per month.
Talking about her inspiration quote and success mantra Nonika chirps, “As a teenager I saw Archie’s and I was like man this is WHAT I WANT TO DO ONE DAY. I want to create patterns, designs and different products that involve creativity. My Family supported me in every possible way. “ Concluding she remarks, “ Though still a long long way to go till I finally achieve what I thought, I feel I am known to the path of my journey I want to tread on!!”
Her brand added latest jewel in the crown by getting the Top Three rating at Amazon.