Happy Father’s Day 2020: Wishes from Children’s and kids
Every year, the third Sunday in the month of June is celebrated as Father’s Day. The day is dedicated to the father who is always there, the silent protector and guardian. It is the day we acknowledge their contributions, sacrifices and thank them for their unwavering presence. This year, it will be celebrated on June 21 (Sunday).
Legend has it that the day was founded by someone called Sonora Smart Dodd in 1910. She was the daughter of American Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart. Ever since then, the day has been marked and dedicated to all the fathers across the globe and celebrated in almost 111 countries. However, the date varies. In countries like New Zealand and Australia, Father’s Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in the month of September. Celebrations in Brazil are reserved for second Sunday of August.
Varanya Pranit Chadha
Pranit Chadha’s daughter, Varanya Pranit Chadha has not yet reached her first birthday—she turns 1 at the end of this month—but already if her dad yells “touchdown,” the younger Varanya knows to raise her arms over her head.
Pranit Chadha who on Sunday will enjoy his first Father’s Day as dad says “Just witnessing all of her milestones, watching her grow up. That’s really been the best part for me. All those milestones really encompass the whole experience of being a father.”
“Your little hands and love by which you surround me makes my heart and day special, Your little feet has made the biggest footprints in our life” says Naman Anand father of a 5 months old baby girl SAISHA. Naman Anand is a resident of bareilly and a business man who is celebrating fathers day for the first time as Father. He adds the best part of the day is when his daughter, Saisha share a big laugh with him.
On being asked about her future, he said he will be a friend to her daughter and will support and respect her descision she takes in her life to grow old.